PolynomialEvaluationArray(polynomials::Array{Polynomial{T}, N})

A structure for the fast evaluation of the given array polynomials of polynomials. This provides a speedup about the separete evaluation of the polynomials since as much computations as possible are shared over all polynomials of the array.

evaluate!(u::AbstractArray{T,N}, PEA::PolynomialEvaluationArray{T,N}, x::AbstractVector{T})

Evaluate PEA at x and store the result in u. This will result in a call to precompute!.

precompute!(PEA::PolynomialEvaluationArray{T}, x::AbstractVector{T})

Precompute values for the evaluation of PEA at x.

unsafe_evaluate(PEA::PolynomialEvaluationArray{T,N}, I::Vararg{Int,N})

Evaluate the polynomial with index I in PEA for the value x for which the last call to precompute! occured.


F = PolynomialEvaluationArray([f1 f2; f3 f4])
# assume now we are only interested on the entries f2 and f4
precompute!(F, x) #this is important!
unsafe_evaluate(F, 1, 2) == evaluate(f2, x)
unsafe_evaluate(F, 2, 2) == evaluate(f4, x)