Fast Evaluation

In order to achieve a fast evaluation we need to precompute some things and also preallocate intermediate storage. For this we have GradientConfig and JacobianConfig:

GradientConfig(f::Polynomial{T}, [x::AbstractVector{S}])

A data structure with which the gradient of a Polynomial f can be evaluated efficiently. Note that x is only used to determine the output type of f(x).

GradientConfig(f::Polynomial{T}, [S])

Instead of a vector x a type can also be given directly.

JacobianConfig(F::Vector{Polynomial{T}}, [x::AbstractVector{S}])

A data structure with which the jacobian of a Vector F of Polynomials can be evaluated efficiently. Note that x is only used to determine the output type of F(x).

JacobianConfig(F::Vector{Polynomial{T}}, [S])

Instead of a vector x a type can also be given directly.



evaluate(p::Polynomial{T}, x::AbstractVector{T})

Evaluates p at x, i.e. $p(x)$. Polynomial is also callable, i.e. you can also evaluate it via p(x).

evaluate(g, x, cfg::GradientConfig [, precomputed=false])

Evaluate g at x using the precomputated values in cfg. Note that this is usually signifcant faster than evaluate(g, x).


cfg = GradientConfig(g)
evaluate(g, x, cfg)

With precomputed=true we rely on the previous intermediate results in cfg. Therefore the result is only correct if you previouls called evaluate, or gradient with the same x.

evaluate(F, x, cfg::JacobianConfig [, precomputed=false])

Evaluate the system F at x using the precomputated values in cfg. Note that this is usually signifcant faster than map(f -> evaluate(f, x), F).


cfg = JacobianConfig(F)
evaluate(F, x, cfg)

With precomputed=true we rely on the previous intermediate results in cfg. Therefore the result is only correct if you previouls called evaluate, or jacobian with the same x.

evaluate!(u, F, x, cfg::JacobianConfig [, precomputed=false])

Evaluate the system F at x using the precomputated values in cfg and store the result in u. Note that this is usually signifcant faster than map!(u, f -> evaluate(f, x), F).


cfg = JacobianConfig(F)
evaluate!(u, F, x, cfg)

With precomputed=true we rely on the previous intermediate results in cfg. Therefore the result is only correct if you previouls called evaluate, or jacobian with the same x.



gradient(g, x, cfg::GradientConfig[, precomputed=false])

Compute the gradient of g at x using the precomputated values in cfg.


cfg = GradientConfig(g)
gradient(g, x, cfg)

With precomputed=true we rely on the previous intermediate results in cfg. Therefore the result is only correct if you previouls called evaluate, or gradient with the same x.


Get the currently stored gradient in r.

gradient!(u, g, x, cfg::GradientConfig [, precomputed=false])

Compute the gradient of g at x using the precomputated values in cfg and store thre result in u.


cfg = GradientConfig(g)
gradient(u, g, x, cfg)

With precomputed=true we rely on the previous intermediate results in cfg. Therefore the result is only correct if you previouls called evaluate, or gradient with the same x.

gradient!(r::GradientDiffResult, g, x, cfg::GradientConfig)

Compute $g(x)$ and the gradient of g at x at once using the precomputated values in cfg and store thre result in r. This is faster than calling both values separetely.


cfg = GradientConfig(g)
r = GradientDiffResult(r)
gradient!(r, g, x, cfg)

value(r) == g(x)
gradient(r) == gradient(g, x, cfg)
jacobian!(u, F, x, cfg::JacobianConfig [, precomputed=false])

Evaluate the jacobian of F at x using the precomputated values in cfg.


cfg = JacobianConfig(F)
jacobian(F, x, cfg)

With precomputed=true we rely on the previous intermediate results in cfg. Therefore the result is only correct if you previouls called evaluate, or jacobian with the same x.

jacobian!(u, F, x, cfg::JacobianConfig [, precomputed=false])

Evaluate the jacobian of F at x using the precomputated values in cfg and store the result in u.


cfg = JacobianConfig(F)
jacobian!(u, F, x, cfg)

With precomputed=true we rely on the previous intermediate results in cfg. Therefore the result is only correct if you previouls called evaluate, or jacobian with the same x.

jacobian!(r::JacobianDiffResult, F, x, cfg::JacobianConfig)

Compute $F(x)$ and the jacobian of F at x at once using the precomputated values in cfg and store thre result in r. This is faster than computing both values separetely.


cfg = GradientConfig(g)
r = GradientDiffResult(cfg)
gradient!(r, g, x, cfg)

value(r) == g(x)
gradient(r) == gradient(g, x, cfg)



During the computation of $∇g(x)$ we compute nearly everything we need for the evaluation of $g(x)$. GradientDiffResult allocates memory to hold both values. This structure also signals gradient! to store $g(x)$ and $∇g(x)$.


cfg = GradientConfig(g, x)
r = GradientDiffResult(cfg)
gradient!(r, g, x, cfg)

value(r) == g(x)
gradient(r) == gradient(g, x, cfg)

Allocate the memory to hold the gradient by yourself.


During the computation of the jacobian $J_F(x)$ we compute nearly everything we need for the evaluation of $F(x)$. JacobianDiffResult allocates memory to hold both values. This structure also signals jacobian! to store $F(x)$ and $J_F(x)$.


cfg = JacobianConfig(F, x)
r = JacobianDiffResult(cfg)
jacobian!(r, F, x, cfg)

value(r) == map(f -> f(x), F)
jacobian(r) == jacobian(F, x, cfg)
JacobianDiffResult(value::AbstractVector, jacobian::AbstractMatrix)

Allocate the memory to hold the value and the jacobian by yourself.


Get the currently stored value in r.
