


Polynomial{T, SE<:SExponents}

A Polynomial with coefficents in T in NVars variables and exponents of type SE.

Polynomial(f::MP.AbstractPolynomial, [variables])

Construct a Polynomial from f.


Store the exponents of the terms of a polynomial (the support) with N terms as an type. This results in an unique type for each possible support.


Return the coefficients of f.


Converts exponents stored in a SExponents to a matrix.


Return the exponents of f as an matrix where each column represents the exponents of a monomial.


Return the number of variables of f.


The number of variables of the system F.


Return the number of parameters of f.


Return the type of the coefficients of f.

scale_coefficients!(f, λ)

Scale the coefficients of f by the factor λ.

evaluate(f::Polynomial, x)

Evaluate the polynomial f at x.

evaluate(f::Polynomial, x, p)

Evaluate f at x with parameters p.

gradient(f::Polynomial, x)

Evaluate the gradient of the polynomial f at x.

gradient(f::Polynomial, x, p)

Evaluate the gradient of the polynomial f at x with parameters p.

gradient!(u, f::Polynomial, x)

Evaluate the gradient of the polynomial f at x and store the result in u.

gradient!(u, f::Polynomial, x, p)

Evaluate the gradient of the polynomial f at x with parameters p and store the result in u.

evaluate_and_gradient(f::Polynomial, x)

Evaluate the polynomial f and its gradient at x. Returns a tuple.

evaluate_and_gradient(f::Polynomial, x, p)

Evaluate the polynomial f and its gradient at x with parameters p. Returns a tuple.

evaluate_and_gradient!(u, f::Polynomial, x)

Evaluate the polynomial f and its gradient at x. Stores the gradient in u and returns the f(x).

evaluate_and_gradient!(u, f::Polynomial, x, p)

Evaluate the polynomial f and its gradient at x with parameters p. Stores the gradient in u and returns the f(x).

hessian(f::Polynomial, x, [p])

Compute the hessian of f at x.

hessian!(U, f::Polynomial, x, [p])

Compute the hessian of f at x and store it in U.

 gradient_and_hessian(F::PolynomialSystem, x, [p])

Compute the gradient and Hessian of f at x.

gradient_and_hessian!(u, U, f::Polynomial, x, [p])

Compute the gradient and Hessian of f at x and store them in u and U.

differentiate_parameters(f::Polynomial, x, p)

Evaluate the gradient of the polynomial f w.r.t. the parameters at x with parameters p.

differentiate_parameters!(u, f::Polynomial, x, p)

Evaluate the gradient of the polynomial f w.r.t. the parameters at x with parameters p and store the result in u.

Systems of Polynomials

PolynomialSystem{N, NVars, NParams, <:Tuple}

A polynomial system of N polynomials in NVars variables with NParams variables.


PolynomialSystem(polys::AbstractVector{<:MP.AbstractPolynomial}; variables=MP.variables(polys), parameters=nothing)
PolynomialSystem(polys::MP.AbstractPolynomial...; kwargs...)

Create a system of polynomials from the given polynomials polys. This function is by design not typestable.


julia> import DynamicPolynomials: @polyvar
julia> @polyvar x y a
julia> PolynomialSystem(x^2+y^2+3, x-y+2, x^2+2y+a; parameters=[a])
PolynomialSystem{3, 2}:
 3 + x² + y²

 2 + x - y

 x² + 2y

The number of polynomials of the system F.


Return the number of variables of f.


The number of variables of the system F.


The number of parameters of the system F.

foreach(f, F::AbstractSystem)

Iterate over the polynomials of F and apply f to each polynomial.

scale_coefficients!(F::AbstractSystem{T, M}, λ::AbstractVector)

Scale the coefficients of the polynomials fᵢ of F by the factor λᵢ. λ needs to have have length M.

 evaluate(F::PolynomialSystem, x)

Evaluate the polynomial system F at x.

 evaluate(F::PolynomialSystem, x, p)

Evaluate the polynomial system F at x with parameters p.

 evaluate!(u, F::PolynomialSystem, x)

Evaluate the polynomial system F at x and store its result in u.

 evaluate!(u, F::PolynomialSystem, x, p)

Evaluate the polynomial system F at x with parameters p and store its result in u.

 jacobian(F::PolynomialSystem, x)

Evaluate the Jacobian of the polynomial system F at x.

 jacobian(F::PolynomialSystem, x, p)

Evaluate the Jacobian of the polynomial system F at x with parameters p.

 jacobian!(U, F::PolynomialSystem, x)

Evaluate the Jacobian of the polynomial system F at x and store its result in U.

 jacobian(U, F::PolynomialSystem, x, p)

Evaluate the Jacobian of the polynomial system F at x with parameters p and store its result in U.

evaluate_and_jacobian!(F::PolynomialSystem, x, p)

Evaluate the system F and its Jacobian at x with parameters p.

evaluate_and_jacobian!(u, U, F::PolynomialSystem, x)

Evaluate the system F and its Jacobian at x and store the results in u (evalution) and U (Jacobian).

evaluate_and_jacobian!(u, U, F::PolynomialSystem, x, p)

Evaluate the system F and its Jacobian at x with parameters p and store the results in u (evalution) and U (Jacobian).

evaluate_and_jacobian(F::PolynomialSystem, x)

Evaluate the system F and its Jacobian at x.

 hessian!(U::AbstractArray{T,3}, F::PolynomialSystem, x, [p])

Evaluate the Hessian of the polynomial system F at x and store its result in U.

 jacobian_and_hessian!(u, U::AbstractArray{T,3}, F::PolynomialSystem, x)

Evaluate the Jacobian and Hessian of the polynomial system F at x and store its result in u and U.

 differentiate_parameters(F::PolynomialSystem, x, p)

Evaluate the derivative of the polynomial system F at x with parameters p with respect to the parameters and store the result in U.

 differentiate_parameters!(U, F::PolynomialSystem, x, p)

Evaluate the derivative of the polynomial system F at x with parameters p with respect to the parameters and store the result in U.